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MIB Views 1.2 Release

January 16th, 2006 by Muonics, Inc.

New Features

  • Enabled table column reordering (drag the column headers left or right to reorder).
  • Added copy-to-clipboard support to trees and tables.
  • Redesigned MIB compiler log with new features such as record icons, sorting, and ability to show or hide non-dependency warnings that previously were always suppressed.
  • Items in tables are now expanded to so that the striped background fills the full table width.
  • Improved modal behavior of the Add/Remove MIBs dialog.
  • Successful communication with an agent via the settings dialog is now required to send queries to an agent, rather than using defaults (e.g. address A message is displayed in the status bar if an agent isn’t configured.
  • Changed selection colors for tables and trees to match platform defaults.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed alternates from Windows icon files that were causing lower quality versions to be displayed rather than the best version.
  • No feedback was given in some circumstances (such as DISPLAY variable not being set) when connection to an X Server failed.
  • An unknown variable error would occur when entering an unknown table name in the Table View, rather than the intended dialog indicating the MIB defining the table needs to be added.
  • Some navigation keys would result in an unknown command error when used in the Table View when the table itself had focus.
  • The get bulk button and non-repeaters/max-repetitions entries in the SNMP Query tool were not disabling/enabling property on SNMP version changes in session settings.
  • An unknown command error would occur when entering text into the toolbar filter entry with the Query tab active.
  • MIB Views was not matching SNMPv3 report OIDs properly or providing an error on unrecognized reports, which would allow it to think that connection was successful even though, for example, the user name was not valid.
  • Windows would attempt to self-repair the MIB Views install if any of the default MIB files were removed.
  • Documentation shortcuts were not being set up correctly in the Windows start menu.

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