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MIB Smithy 4.7.1, MIB Smithy SDK 4.6.4, MIB Views 2.0.2 Released

August 10th, 2014 by Michael Kirkham

MIB Smithy 4.7.1, MIB Smithy SDK 4.6.4, and MIB Views 2.0.2 are now available for download and provide fixes for several bugs. These are mostly fixes in the SDK, which are incorporated into MIB Smithy and MIB Views as well. Issues/changes applicable only to certain products are noted in [brackets].

Changes in these releases:

6515: Help not displayed when using kfmclient [MIB Smithy, MIB Views only]

A missing openURL argument to kfmclient would prevent online help from showing when using the KDE window manager on Unix platforms.

6470: SNMPv3 messages not being sent with privacy

An error in the fix for #5951 in MIB Smithy SDK 4.6.2, which was intended to prevent sending SNMPv3 messages with privacy but without authentication, could prevent messages from being sent with privacy enabled at all.

6468: High CPU utilization when waiting for responses

Handling of delays and waits for pending SNMP requests has been changed to make much better use of the Tcl event queue and timer callbacks in order to prevent high CPU utilization during such times when it should otherwise be doing nothing.

[SDK NOTE: Asynchronous SNMP requests are now queued for transmission via callback from the event queue rather than being sent before API return. Previously, using the -delay option to delay transmission would result in the API not returning until the delay was finished (up to 5 minutes), even with an async request.]

6516: IPv6 messages not being sent on Windows

SNMP messages were not being sent to IPv6 targets on Windows due to using getsockname() with a structure of insufficient size for IPv6 results on that platform. The call would fail, the SDK would be unable to match the target address family with an available socket, so the message would not be sent.

6548: Receiving SNMPv3 auth/priv traps without Engine ID discovery

If the Engine ID in a received SNMPv3 message doesn’t match the configured or discovered local or remote Engine ID for a session, but the user name matches, the session now localizes keys (if configured) to the message’s Engine ID for purposes of authentication/privacy for that message. This allows SNMPv3 auth/priv traps to be received from any source with the same user name and passwords/unlocalized keys, rather than requiring Engine ID discovery first.

6500: Delayed send not accounted for in time window [SDK Only]

When using the -delay and/or -window options for delayed/limited transmission of SNMPv3 messages, USM processing now happens just prior to actual transmission rather than before delay so the time window reflects the time sent, not the request time. Otherwise, a sufficiently long delay would provoke a usmStatsNotInTimeWindows report from the agent.

6504: Cancel pending requests on configuration change [SDK Only]

An SNMP session’s pending requests are now cancelled when session configuration is changed to prevent sending requests to the incorrect target or with incorrect parameters.

6478: Crash when destroying session during callback [SDK Only]

SNMP session and MIB database instances are now reference counted like all other data so that they are only garbage collected when there are no more references. Previously they were GC’ed immediately when destroyed, which could cause a crash if for some reason they were destroyed in a callback.

UPDATE: Solaris builds were delayed due to hardware failure. Replacement parts arrived on Monday and I was able to get the SPARC machine back online. Solaris builds for the above releases are now available.

Posted in RSS Announcements, RSS ipv6, RSS MIB Smithy, RSS MIB Smithy SDK, RSS MIB Views, RSS snmp

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