
MIB Smithy

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Setting Capability Properties


% dbcmd set capability option value ?option value ...?


  • Nothing.


-comments text
Specifies the body of comment text that is to be associated with the record. Character sequences that start end end the comment should be omitted: these depend on the output format, and it is the responsibility of the converter to insert the appropriate sequences.
-description text
Specifies the body of text corresponding to the DESCRIPTION field of the AGENT-CAPABILITIES record.
-name lcidentifier
Specifies the descriptor of the AGENT-CAPABILITIES record. If unspecified at creation time, the SDK will automatically assign a name that is unique within the database. This property will accept any value that corresponds to an ASN.1 ValueReference: that is, an identifier that starts with a lowercase first letter.
-oid oidvalue
Equivalent to -valuedecl for set operations.
-reference text
Specifies the body of text corresponding to the REFERENCE field of the AGENT-CAPABILITIES record.
-release text
Specifies the body of text corresponding to the PRODUCT-RELEASE field of the AGENT-CAPABILITIES record.
-status status
Specifies the value of the STATUS field for the AGENT-CAPABILITIES record. Accepted values are current, deprecated and obsolete.
-value oidvalue
Equivalent to -valuedecl for set operations.
-valuedecl oidvalue
Specifies the object identifier value that uniquely identifies the record in OID space. The oidvalue specified may take the form of a lowercase identifier or any of the forms returned by other get options that return OID values. The form used with this command determines the form returned by the get -valuedecl command.
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