
MIB Smithy

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Setting Typedef Properties


% dbcmd set typedef option value ?option value ...?


  • Nothing.


-comments text
Specifies the body of comment text that is to be associated with the record. Character sequences that start end end the comment should be omitted: these depend on the output format, and it is the responsibility of the converter to insert the appropriate sequences.
-description text
Specifies the body of text corresponding to the DESCRIPTION field of a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION record.
-enumdecl list
Specifies a list of name+value+comment triplets defining the set of named-number enumerations allowed by objects defined using this record as their SYNTAX.
-enums list
Equivalent to -enumdecl for set operations.
-format format
Specifies the value of the DISPLAY-HINT field for a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION record.
-name ucidentifier
Specifies the descriptor of the ASN.1 Type Assignment or TEXTUAL-CONVENTION. If unspecified at creation time, the SDK will automatically assign a name that is unique within the database. This property will accept any value that corresponds to an ASN.1 TypeReference: that is, an identifier that starts with an uppercase first letter.
-range list
Equivalent to -rangedecl for set operations.
-rangedecl list
Specifies a list of min/max value pairs defining the set of discrete subranges allowed by objects defined using this record as their SYNTAX.
-reference text
Specifies the body of text corresponding to the REFERENCE field of a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION record.
-size list
Equivalent to -sizedecl for set operations.
-sizedecl list
Specifies a list of min/max value pairs defining the set of octet lengths allowed by objects defined using this record as their SYNTAX.
-status status
Specifies the value of the STATUS field for a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION record. Accepted values are current, deprecated and obsolete.
-subtype list
Specifies only the subtype for type assignment or TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, such as a list of name+type pairs for table SEQUENCE specifications.
-syntax typeref
Specifies only the base type from which the type assignment or TEXTUAL-CONVENTION record is derived. Any existing range, size or enumeration refinements are preserved.
-syntaxdecl list
Specifies the full SYNTAX information for the type assignment or TEXTUAL-CONVENTION record as a list of name+value pairs suitable for use with Tcl's array set command (or as returned by array get). The format is the same as that returned for querying and setting the property of the same name.
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