
MIB Smithy

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Querying Compliance Group Properties


% dbcmd get property ?property ...? cgroup


  • The value of the specified property or properties (see below).


Returns the textual comments associated with record.
Returns the fully-qualified name of the record in which the queried record is contained. This property equivalent to -fullname for the container record, or for the queried record with the last envelope stripped off.
Returns the body of text corresponding to the DESCRIPTION field for the compliance group.
Returns the fully-qualified name of the record in the form accepted by the SDK as a search query. For this record type, that is the file handle, the module name, compliance name, conformance module name and group name joined together with a ! (exclamation point), as in @File2!EX-MIB!exCompliance!EX-MIB!exGroup.
Returns the unqualified name of the compliance group record (e.g. exGroup in the above).
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