
MIB Views

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Tree View

The Tree View tool is similar to common MIB Browser tools. It maps OID space into a tree structure. Clicking on the + or - button or disclosure triangle (depending on platform) or double-clicking on a branch expands or collapses the branch. Unlike common MIB Browser tools, the tree is not a representation of OIDs of loaded MIB definitions, but a representation of what data actually exists in the agent. When you expand a branch, MIB Views will scan the agent to determine what sub-branches are implemented and in view.

Tree View

Figure - Tree View

To the right of the tree itself, the Tree View provides a list of discovered values during the most recent expansion. It is important to understand that the list of values is not necessarily all data in the particular branch: the scanning process is optimized to only determine the first item of each sub-branch. However, if you expand an object (rather than a branch), it will scan for and list all values for all instances of that object.

Tip: to jump directly to a specific branch or object, enter its name or OID into the Target entry in the Toolbar. MIB Views will expand as far as possible to reach the desired branch, and populate the value list with all values discovered in the process.
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