
MIB Views

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The SNMP Walk tool allows you to quickly determine all values within a specified subtree or all values provided by the agent in the current view.


Figure - SNMP Walk

To walk a subtree, enter its name or OID into the Target entry in the Toolbar. MIB Views will perform a Get-Next (SNMPv1) or Get-Bulk (SNMPv2c/v3) walk of the entire subtree, stopping when it reaches an object outside the tree or the end of the view is reached. When performing a Get-Bulk walk, it will start with a low max-repetitions value of 2 and gradually increase its value based on the number of results returned in each response in order to minimize the time and number of requests needed to complete the walk.

Tip: Press Enter in the Target entry without a name or OID value to walk the entire agent end-to-end.
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