
MIB Views

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Installation Instructions

About the License Key

A license key file is required to run this software after installation. This file contains information about your license that is required by the extension.

For evaluation versions of the software, this license key allows you to try most features of the product for a period of 15 days from the time of download. The evaluation license key can be downloaded from the same page where you downloaded the software.

For non-evaluation versions of the software, this includes a Host ID that ties the installation to the computer you are licensed for. Typically, this is the ethernet address of one of the NIC cards in your computer. When you first load the extension, without a license key file present, you will be informed of the Host IDs available for use. After obtaining available Host IDs, log in to the Muonics web site with the account used to purchase the software, and select the "Licenses" option in the User Menu or go to:


There you may select a licensed product serial number, enter your Host ID, and download a license key file. Licensed users may return to the Licenses Page to re-download their license key at any time should reinstallation be necessary. If you need to change Host IDs, for reasons such as equipment failure/replacement or license transfer, please contact support@muonics.com. Per your license agreement, you may change computers/Host IDs at most once every six months (twice total during the period of an annual support contract). If you change Host IDs more often than this period, you will need to purchase a support contract renewal for a nominal fee.

MIB Views allows some flexibility in where the license key is located and how it is named, as well as providing a GUI interface to install the license key. By default it will search the following locations, in order of precedence, where prefix is the same as the prefix of the product distribution file you downloaded (such as mibviews or mibviewsdemo):

  1. The full path and file name specified by the MIBVIEWS_LICENSE_FILE environment variable.
  2. The user's home directory (as specified by the HOME environment variable) with the name .prefix.key, .prefix.lic, prefix.key or prefix.lic.
  3. A file named license.key within the installation directory or any parent directory thereof.
  4. file named .prefix.key, .prefix.lic, prefix.key or prefix.lic in /usr/local/etc.
  5. A file named .prefix.key, .prefix.lic, prefix.key or prefix.lic in /etc.

To install the license key, you can either copy it to one of the above locations (e.g. $(HOME)/.mibviews.lic) or let the application install it for you. For the latter, start MIB Views as you normally would (e.g. by double-clicking the application icon). If no valid license key is found automatically, a dialog will be provided where you can paste or import the license from a specified file. The key will be installed in your home directory using the .prefix.lic naming convention to avoid conflicts with other MIB Views editions you may have installed. To install the key system-wide for all users you will need to manually copy it into one of the above locations.

Microsoft Windows (NT, 2000, XP, or later)

The Windows Install uses Microsoft Installer (.msi) format. If you do not already have Microsoft Installer installed, you will need to download and install it before installing this application. You can download the installer from Microsoft at one of the following locations:

Recent versions of Windows will likely have Microsoft Installer already installed. If you are prompted to select an application to use to open the .msi file, you probably need to download Microsoft Installer.

Once you have Microsoft Installer support, download the MIB Views application installer and save it to your hard drive. Double click on it in your Windows Explorer to launch the setup. The setup wizard will guide you through the installation process from there.

After the application has been installed, click the application icon from the Start Menu folder to start MIB Views. You will be asked for a license key if none is found. Paste the license key into the space provided or click Import to load the key from a file and save it to an appropriate location.

Unix Installation (Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris)

The Unix version of this application is distributed as a gzipped tar file (.tgz or .tar.gz). You will need to have gzip/gunzip installed in order to install this application.

Download the MIB Views application install file to your hard drive and extract the files using the following command:

gunzip -c filename | tar xvf -

No install script is currently available for the Unix version(s) of this application. The applications and directory structures extracted from the tar file are designed to be able to run anywhere, provided the relational structure is kept intact, should you wish to install in another location (such as /usr/local/mibviews).

After the application has been installed, you can launch it by invoking the "mibviews" binary within the 'bin' directory. You will be asked for a license key if none is found. Paste the license key into thespace provided or click Import to load the key from a file and save it to an appropriate location.

MacOS X Installation

To install on MacOS X, double-click on the .dmg file to mount the disk image. MIB Views its self is fully self-contained in the MIB Views application icon. You may wish to copy it and other files such as MIB and PIB modules and documentation to another folder.

Double-click the application icon to start MIB Views. You will be asked for a license key if none is found. Paste the license key intothe space provided or click Import to load the key from a file and saveit to an appropriate location.

Trap Reflector Daemon Installation

Unix platforms, including MacOS X, require root privileges to bind to the standard port for receiving traps, port 162. MIB Views supports Scotty's nmtrapd/straps daemons, which take care of binding to the trap port and allow non-root clients to connect to them. Any traps received are then forwarded on to the clients. This allows the MIB Views to receive traps on port 162 without requiring Tcl or the MIB Views to be running as root. It also allows multiple applications supporting nmtrapd/straps to receive traps at the same time.

If you already have nmtrapd or straps from Scotty installed, MIB Views should be able to use it already. However, the included nmtrapd program can be used to replace both nmtrapd and straps (two different versions/interfaces of the same thing from different versions of Scotty) and provide additional configurability.

To install the nmtrapd daemon, it is recommended that you copy it to /usr/local/bin/nmtrapd and link it to /usr/local/bin/straps. It must be setuid root, which can be set with the following commands:

# chown root /usr/local/bin/nmtrapd
# chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/nmtrapd

Linking the file to straps allows for compatibility with both Scotty 3.0, which uses nmtrapd, and earlier versions that use straps. MIB Views can use either of them, and the included version is compatible with both.

If you install the daemon in a location other than /usr/local/bin, you must set either the TNM_NMTRAPD or TNM_STRAPS environment variable to the fully qualified path of the executable. Scotty and the MIB Views both use these environment variables to determine the location of the executable if it cannot be found in /usr/local/bin.

To get a list of configuration options, you can execute nmtrapd directly with the --help option in the command line:

# /usr/local/bin/nmtrapd -help

Options are available to control such things as how many clients are allowed to connect, which client interfaces to support, and whether or not the daemon should automatically terminate after the last client disconnects as Scotty's does. You may wish to disable this behavior if, for example, you want to launch the daemon on system startup, or in conjunction with the -f option, which prevents forking the daemon into a background process.

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