
Seamoby Workgroup RFCs

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RFC3132 - Dormant Mode Host Alerting ("IP Paging") Problem Statement
This memo describes paging, assesses the need for IP paging, and presents a list of recommendations for Seamoby charter items regarding work on paging. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3154 - Requirements and Functional Architecture for an IP Host Alerting Protocol
This document develops an architecture and a set of requirements needed to support alerting of hosts that are in dormant mode. The architecture and requirements are designed to guide development of an IP protocol for alerting dormant IP mobile hosts, commonly called paging. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3374 - Problem Description: Reasons For Performing Context Transfers Between Nodes in an IP Access Network
RFC3753 - Mobility Related Terminology
There is a need for common definitions of terminology in the work to be done around IP mobility. This document defines terms for mobility related terminology. The document originated out of work done in the Seamoby Working Group but has broader applicability for terminology used in IETF-wide discourse on technology for mobility and IP networks. Other working groups dealing with mobility may want to take advantage of this terminology. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC4065 - Instructions for Seamoby and Experimental Mobility Protocol IANA Allocations
The Seamoby Candidate Access Router Discovery (CARD) protocol and the Context Transfer Protocol (CXTP) are experimental protocols designed to accelerate IP handover between wireless access routers. These protocols require IANA allocations for ICMP type and options, Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Payload Protocol Identifiers, port numbers, and registries for certain formatted message options. This document contains instructions to IANA about which allocations are required for the Seamoby protocols. The ICMP subtype extension format for Seamoby has been additionally designed so that it can be utilized by other experimental mobility protocols, and the SCTP port number is also available for other experimental mobility protocols. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.
RFC4066 - Candidate Access Router Discovery (CARD)
To enable seamless IP-layer handover of a mobile node (MN) from one access router (AR) to another, the MN is required to discover the identities and capabilities of candidate ARs (CARs) for handover prior to the initiation of the handover. The act of discovery of CARs has two aspects: identifying the IP addresses of the CARs and finding their capabilities. This process is called "candidate access router discovery" (CARD). At the time of IP-layer handover, the CAR, whose capabilities are a good match to the preferences of the MN, is chosen as the target AR for handover. The protocol described in this document allows a mobile node to perform CARD. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.
RFC4067 - Context Transfer Protocol (CXTP)
This document presents the Context Transfer Protocol (CXTP) that enables authorized context transfers. Context transfers allow better support for node based mobility so that the applications running on mobile nodes can operate with minimal disruption. Key objectives are to reduce latency and packet losses, and to avoid the re-initiation of signaling to and from the mobile node. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.