
Insipid Workgroup RFCs

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RFC7989 - End-to-End Session Identification in IP-Based Multimedia Communication Networks
This document describes an end-to-end session identifier for use in IP-based multimedia communication systems that enables endpoints, intermediary devices, and management systems to identify a session end-to-end, associate multiple endpoints with a given multipoint conference, track communication sessions when they are redirected, and associate one or more media flows with a given communication session. While the identifier is intended to work across multiple protocols, this document describes its usage in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
This document also describes a backwards-compatibility mechanism for an existing session identifier implementation (RFC 7329) that is sufficiently different from the procedures defined in this document.
This document obsoletes RFC 7329.
RFC8123 - Requirements for Marking SIP Messages to be Logged
SIP networks use signaling monitoring tools to debug customer- reported problems and for regression testing if network or client software is upgraded. As networks grow and become interconnected, including connection via transit networks, it becomes impractical to predict the path that SIP signaling will take between clients and, therefore, impractical to monitor SIP signaling end-to-end.
This document describes the requirements for adding an indicator to the SIP Protocol Data Unit (PDU) or a SIP message that marks the PDU as a candidate for logging. Such a marking will typically be applied as part of network testing controlled by the network operator and not used in regular client signaling. However, such a marking can be carried end-to-end, including the SIP terminals, even if a session originates and terminates in different networks.
RFC8497 - Marking SIP Messages to Be Logged
SIP networks use signaling monitoring tools to diagnose user-reported problems and to perform regression testing if network or user agent (UA) software is upgraded. As networks grow and become interconnected, including connection via transit networks, it becomes impractical to predict the path that SIP signaling will take between user agents and therefore impractical to monitor SIP signaling end to end.
This document describes an indicator for the SIP protocol that can be used to mark signaling as being of interest to logging. Such marking will typically be applied as part of network testing controlled by the network operator and is not used in normal user agent signaling. Operators of all networks on the signaling path can agree to carry such marking end to end, including the originating and terminating SIP user agents, even if a session originates and terminates in different networks.